Track task and project status with one-click reporting, Create task assignments in multiple places and their allocation on the basis of projects.

Organize, schedule, plan and analyse projects with a task-driven approach to streamline collaboration across your organization and uplift your business.
Project management is crucial for every industry because when projects are managed properly, profits increase and, businesses can grow. Different industries have disparate requirements relating to project/task management. The absence of a project management system can severely damage the development process.
However, project management is not a novel term for any industry to deal with. But the way how it is accomplished, is definitely a concern of thought. For many decades, industries have been using manual procedures for project management. But in this digital era, when we are rapidly moving towards automating techniques and everything is accessible with just one click on your Smartphone, project management also has to be at your fingertips.
Project management means carrying out operational responsibilities for the project. Projects are primarily composed of sub-projects/tasks. The task management system is all about dividing the project into a number of tasks, to have a larger and apparent picture of all minute things, which act as roots for the success of the bigger project. It provides transparency to the management, with the types of stages assigned to the tasks. The different task stages can be defined as Assigned, Open, Work-in-progress, Job pending, Cancelled, OTP pending, Resolved (OTP), Completed.
In this part, we will talk about a few such industrial units where task management is an inevitability. The bottom line is to attain it with an innovative and automated system.
Electronic Industries
In electronic industries, project managers work with particular customers to make sure that their expectations for products and services are met. Their main goal is to ensure that their projects are completed on time, remain within the budget, and meet all customer requirements. Project management’s role is crucial in outsourcing projects. It is an important aspect to ensure that all programs and products are cost-effective.
A work breakdown structure should be used for handing the electronic projects. Hence, they are planned in the form of separate tasks. This is where a task management system facilitates management with a structure to automate the process of managing their tasks.
Task management not merely helps in managing dates/deadlines but also for exchanging valuable information regarding projects such as cost limits, technical specifications, or any other textual information. When management is accountable for installing electronic equipment in a wide range of areas, it needs to ensure smooth communication between the planning, execution, installation, and service stages. The task management system does this for them and far outpaces the risk of any communication gap over the complete hierarchy of its employees. The managers can administer the tasks assigned to their sub-ordinates and workers, through stages defined for each task. They will always have clarity on whether the task is in progress, pending, resolved, and it does not exceed the deadlines as well as the budget.
Construction Industries
In construction industries, project management is the basis for every construction project. They have a continuous need for alternations and hence project management is the key to the stability of the entire system. Construction project management could be defined as the direction, instruction, and supervision of a project from early development to completion.
There is a wide range of construction project types, such as commercial, residential, and heavy civil. Every task divided into different types of stages makes it trouble-free for managers as well as workers, to keep up with the latest advancements going on for each particular project.
The task management system increases the likelihood that communication between all the agents such as stakeholders, contractors, and the community remains transparent. Hence, it aids in managing the technical parameters, budget and, execution of the project within a given time frame, meeting with the deadlines.
Telecom Sector
Telecom industries face tough competition among operators, where innovations in business strategies, goals, and search for competitive advantages are a routine phenomenon. Thus, the task management system becomes a necessity for them. Strategic sourcing and procurement department plays a vital role in telecom industries. After the successful procurement of appliances, telecom groups outsource the projects of installing their network towers in different regions. Thus, there is a need to verify the progress of equipment installation and to check on the team deputed for the corresponding project.
The task management system fulfills this requirement of monitoring work stages and the team as well. It facilitates them with a well-defined structure which helps to identify the key measures to be taken, by providing the accurate work status, whether it is in the initial stage, in progress, or close to completion.
While dealing with the advancements in technologies too, the requirement of reducing time to market is also significant for customer sustainment. Here, the task management system helps to reduce the overall execution time of the project and deliver the services to customers.
Pharmaceutical Sector
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most regulated industries all over the globe. They are always striving for new ways to develop their products faster. Although, keeping them within the budget and matching quality standards is a regular need. One of the most simple, cost-effective ways to improve these processes and make product development speedy is to employ a proper task management system.
In the pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing sector, the organizations are responsible for delivering fault-free equipment to the community. Hence, project/task management is a critical aspect. After the procurement of machinery, equipment’s installation and trial is the next step. Here, the task management system comes in the picture to provide hassle-free planning and execution, by dividing the process into tasks. Through different stages of tasks (such as job pending, work-in-progress, completed, etc.), the task management system helps to track the installation progress of the equipment in different places. It leads them to the successful and on-time delivery of products to every region, as they are able to monitor the product delivery with particular stages defined.
Do you want to know more about the Mozility Task Management System? Please click below mentioned demo link.